Saturday, March 13, 2010

Haven't been here in a while...

Sorry. Been busy. Okay, not so much. Look at me, forgetting a blog on the first day! Anyway, I've been good. Playing around on this website I really love,, check it out, it's pretty awesome. Been thinking about changing the blog's CSS. That should be fun, right? Well, I have an entire Sunday to kill tomorrow, so I might as well.

Saturday, March 06, 2010


*Yawn* I'm so bored. Forrest Gump is on, probably the best movie of all time. I already saw it about 20 times last week though, so for the time being I'm kind of sick of it.

Today I did something interesting. I had a sudden light bulb go off in my head, and I grabbed a crate, but a baby blanket in the bottom of it, and zip-tied it to my bike. I threw my little dog in it and took him for a ride. He really liked it, and I think I'm going to do it again tomorrow.

It's finally getting warm enough to go outside without 15 layers of clothes.

Tonight I'm going to eat cheese pizza and watch Saturday Night live. It's probably going to be the highlight of my weekend, I love cheese pizza and SNL :D. Unfourtunatly my mom picked this weekend to start going to Mass again. :( no sleeping in tomorrow.